Saturday, December 11, 2010

'Karate-do' by Hanshi, Oscar Higa 空手道-比嘉オスカル範士

This 'Karate-do' poem was originally written in Spanish by the Great Karate Master Hanshi, Oscar Higa, World Technical Director of Okinawa Shorin Ryu Karate-do KYUDOKAN Federation. This music video was created by Sensei, Indishe Senanayake, a student of Higa Oscar Sensei and the Sri Lanka Representative of Kyudokan, as a tribute to our beloved Sensei at his 65th birthday celebration on 28th March 2010. This poem was translated to English and Japanese with the contribution of many people around the world. We would like to pay our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the music video.

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